miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2011

11 steps to turn a blog into a source of money

An innocent blog can be free (Blogger.com) can become such a business to sell advertising and earn sales commissions for example Amazon and others. But, a blog winner, is not an innocent, needs to be well armed as a good soldier or a major account executive.
11 basis points to earn money with a blog a blog .- as a business is an excellent marketing opportunity. When you devote to your blog on specific topics are bound to become experts for their visitors.
Besides a blog allowing visibility of your business (any business) in the search engines and can boost sales. But for a blog to be effective you must have the following basic elements.

1 .- Descriptive Titles
From the name of your blog is important to create a market-related trademarks with people. Your search titles need to meet more frequently in search engines, they need to meet the needs of users wanting to answer your questions about your needs.
Understand that a reader is with one thought in his head "What's for me here?" And you must provide in abundance, otherwise the visits to your blog will be very slim.
You may be redundant are its subjects but do not repeat the titles, find a way to be flashy and discover how it can retain readers.

2 .- About the Blog
Your business may not need too many items to be presented, but the information readers need to consider your blog as worthy of visiting again. What can you give? so that readers want to return and recommend to friends.Know that the satisfaction of a reader produces a great power of recommendation, and this can only be achieved by acquiring values ​​that serve.3 .- Contact InformationPeople likes to talk to the person behind a blog how can they do? I give the suggestion to join the social network Facebook, where you can start a very warm touch and many emotions.Many of your readers also want to start their blogs how do I help you personally? This may have an additional business in terms of advice. Serious entrepreneurs are happy to pay for a quality service.Allow readers multiple ways to get in touch with you is a strategy for relations, plus gives more legitimacy to their blog.4 .- Allow more social contactSocial networks are a means of meeting with an equal opportunity to show their views and information to their liking. Also your blog is an excellent vehicle to achieve their list of fans on Facebook and other social networks. Always show on his blog, link their social sites.5 .- RSS and / or subscription e-mailA WordPress blog comes with an RSS feed, but it is better able to manage the list of subscribers, for example with FeedBurner. This enables your readers to know about the new upgrades of your blog without having to go back.Make a list of contacts from your blog traffic can mean a lot of satisfaction in future marketing campaigns.6 .- To facilitate the recommendation by social bookmarkingWhen the content sharing works and the reader feels that it is good to want to recommend using social bookmarking, for example, Twitter, Facebook, Digg, etc. Your blog needs to have these buttons.7 .- Finding more informationOnce an Internet user arrives at your blog and are interested in what you find might ask "What else is there for me?". Your blog needs to display the related content and provide a search bar. What are the most visited post?8 .- Categories and subcategoriesThe category menu at the top of your blog easy to navigate, plus gives the reader some idea of ​​what you can find specific topics of interest.9 .- Relevant LinksWhat other websites or blogs recommend visiting? It is important to share with readers his list of favorite blogs, which also estimates that it can serve as a complement to the readers. In addition, this section may be a way to build a list of links to other blogs.10 .- Assignment of contentis important that you highlight as the author of its contents by specifying what can and can not be done with it. Many authors prefer to restrict the ability to copy its contents, but I think it would lose an opportunity to make a link.I think information should be made for free and charge on all the experience to provide some advice.11 .- Give credit to the authorsOur blogs do not have to be a brain juicer. We can use information from other blogs, reading the contents that we like for our market and write a post on the basis of our views of this reading. It is also important to add images to our post, but in all cases it is important to give credit to the authors.It is also a way of saying that you want readers who want to copy our content, follow the same example, that in the future could be a source of a good number of links.

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